Friday 30 March 2007

Frames in dreamweaver

wow, frame are magic......

ok. so looks like we have to write a blog on frames for website design, frames are versatile and helpfully for creating navigation in websites with ease but, there messy and apparently Google's search spiders don't bode well with them, i'm sure i would learn some more about SEO, but alas i still have no internet at home, and look I've lost the structure to this blog. so anyway frames, us full but outdated, you can do similar things in different ways without having to hack up your page not 6 different ones, still in a n00b and they look like the easiest way in which to make my website whilst outside of flash tbh.

erm..... filling up space..

well the deisiese may be bad but we have the cure, why not just use tables, admittedly once upon a time it might of been hard to do anything with tables but now with dream weavers Fantastic (and probably quite a few other website development packages) you can draw in boxes and then convert to tables afterwards, sure; absolute positing was is all very well some browsers might not be able to cope with it all, and so this makes shit easy.

so really I'm just blabbing cos its hard to fill theses things out with a limited amount os stuff to talk about, so onto th weather.

you know yesterday we had the weirdest weather XD hail rain hail rain etc etc...... and so...

waltzy out y'all

1 comment:

Glynn Phillips said...

What A Lovely Blog Gorgeous !!!