Friday 23 March 2007

MySpace - a pet hate

i hate my space, its a large collection of armature HTML and emo's however we have been assigned the task of researching and creating a my space page; and so, some of my preliminary views. the mass majority of myspace HTML is created via web forms, the coding in theses is relatively basic, containing script fro changing background images/color, changing table layouts, borders text sizes, and of course helping the mindless masses infringe on all copyright laws to their hearts content, with mostly badly fitting animations and hords of images of themselves with bad PhotoShop skills applied....

however while on myspace i did find some that raised above the bar a tad, with some elements of design applies, mostly tho theses are on group pages which proclaim themselves "HTML masers" or the suchlike.

Good myspace:

well yeah it might not look like the best thing on the planet but if you ever take the time to trawl through the various user pages on myspace you'll see what i mean, this is about as good as it gets ! its clean the colors are nice and the content is actually readable ! would you believe it !!!!

Bad myspace:
well need i say more, its hard to read, the colors are disgusting and im not sure whats worse the layout or the horrible tiles background, now don't get me wrong im not opposed to the music, but, it just looks bad !!!!!

so anyway, i spouse ill have to make one of my one now, hopfully with any luck ill make something that looks a little like to top one ! if thats possile on profile pages, as for all i know about myspace at the moment, they ristrict script in diffrent parts of the site !

peace out ya'll

ill update this once i have finished my myspace profile *shudders*

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